CSS Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Professionals

CSS Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Professionals

A cheat sheet to save beginners a lot of time by providing you with a quick reference guide for common CSS properties and shorthands

Basic Syntax and Structure

  • CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is used to style and layout HTML documents.

  • CSS rules are made up of selectors and declarations.

  • A selector identifies the elements to be styled, and a declaration consists of a property and a value.

  • Declarations are separated by a colon (:) and surrounded by curly braces {}.

Common Properties

  • font-family: Specifies the font to be used for the text

  • font-size: Specifies the size of the font

  • color: Specifies the color of the text

  • background-color: Specifies the background color of an element

  • width and height: Specify the width and height of an element

  • margin: Specifies the space around an element

  • padding: Specifies the space inside an element

  • border: Specifies a border around an element

  • display: Specifies the type of box an element should be displayed as (e.g. block, inline, inline-block)


  • Element selectors: Select elements based on their tag name (e.g. p, div, span)

  • Class selectors: Select elements based on their class attribute (e.g. .warning, .error)

  • ID selectors: Select elements based on their id attribute (e.g. #header, #footer)

  • Attribute selectors: Select elements based on their attributes (e.g. a[href], input[type=text])

Cascade and Inheritance

  • CSS has a "cascade" of rules, where rules with higher specificity take precedence over rules with lower specificity

  • CSS also has "inheritance," where properties are inherited from parent elements to child elements

Box Model

  • Every element in an HTML document is treated as a box, with properties for content, padding, border, and margin

  • The width and height of an element refer to the content area, and the padding, border, and margin are added to the outside of the content area


  • CSS provides several positioning schemes, including static, relative, absolute, and fixed

  • Static positioning is the default and positions an element according to the normal flow of the document

  • Relative positioning offsets an element from its normal position

  • Absolute positioning removes an element from the normal flow of the document and positions it relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (if any) or the initial containing block

  • Fixed positioning positions an element relative to the browser window and it stays fixed even when the page is scrolled


  • CSS allows elements to be floated to the left or right of the page

  • Floated elements are removed from the normal flow of the document and other elements will flow around them

  • Clearfix is a common technique used to contain floated elements

Grid Systems

  • CSS grid systems are used to create a structured layout using rows and columns

  • There are several popular grid systems available, including Bootstrap, Foundation, and Semantic UI

Responsive Design

  • CSS media queries are used to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices

  • Media queries can be used to apply different styles based on the width, height, resolution, and other features of the user's device

CSS3 Resources

There are various resources online to learn more about CSS. Some of the best resources include:

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